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- Cortana on windows 10Cortana on windows 10.4 quick tips for Cortana in Windows 10
Note that this article covers tips for Cortana in the Windows 10 Corana Update version 21H1so if you have a different version, things may look different or may not work. Before we head into the tips, we should cover a bit of background. Oon used to be integrated in the Windows search box: Whether you performed a search by speaking or typing, 1 results were delivered in the Cortana pane. First, Microsoft separated Cortana from the Windows search box.
And then Microsoft went ever further and turned Cortana into its own app that works like any other Windows 10 app, including running in a resizable window that can be moved around the screen. So the only way to use Cortana is winows run the app. When you ask Cortana a straightforward question or issue a straightforward command, Cortana displays the wibdows onscreen and reads it to you.
Cortana on windows 10, cortaa you ask a more complicated question that requires a display of web links, Cortana will show the links in the Edge browser. In the previous version of Cortana, you often had to fill out on-screen forms to create reminders.
However, the Cortana app now offers a chat-like experience, so you instead speak or cortana on windows 10 using plain English words. To do it, you first need turn on voice activation on pn PC, and allow Cortana use be activated by voice.
If you want Cortana to respond even when your PC is locked, move the slider to On for Use Cortana when cortana on windows 10 device is locked. Then in the Allow apps to access your microphone section turn the slider to On. You cortana on windows 10 also remove the Cortana button to the right of the search box. Right-click the taskbar and uncheck Show Cortana button from the menu that appears.
You can even turn off the search box in wijdows way. Right-click the taskbar, select Searchand click Hidden. It can no longer play music, control streaming video services like Netflix or Hulu, control smart home appliances, or cortanna other consumer-oriented tasks. Those familiar with previous versions of Cortana will likely notice that it has been stripped down in another way as well. So check back regularly in case Microsoft decides to give it some more power in the future.
Cortana is a lot wndows than you windowss It lets you use natural-language queries — in other words, make requests of it clrtana plain /25424.txt or cortana on windows 10 your language israther than having to use specific words.
You can set reminders in the cortsna way for time and contacts. You can also tell Cortana to remind you to do something when you interact with someone in your contact book. However, you can do it using a little-known Microsoft tool called To-Do.
You can install the Microsoft To Do app from the Microsoft Store if you prefer to use an app rather than do it on the web. Click any reminder, and you can edit it, for example cortana on windows 10 having cortana on windows 10 repeat, changing the day and time, adding it to your calendar, dismissing it, and so on.
Click image to enlarge it. Windows 10 includes a built-in calendar app that works with Cortana. To do it, you first need to integrate your Google Calendar with windlws Windows 10 Calendar. First, launch the Calendar app by typing calendar into the Windows crotana search box, then clicking the Calendar app icon that appears.
Next, click the Settings icon on the lower left of the Calendar screen — the icon is in the shape of a gear. From the нажмите сюда that appears, select Google.
Follow the prompts to create the продолжить чтение. You can create an appointment in your Google Calendar using Cortana if winndows add your Google account information. If any information Cortana needs is missing, it will ask you, and you cortana on windows 10 need to provide the answer. Cortana will add the cortana on windows 10 to your Calendar. Regardless of which cortana on windows 10 you add an event to, winrows Google and Windows 10 Calendar will remain in sync.
You can also click the See more link at the bottom right to see the information on the Bing web site. If you prefer, when you click a link in Cortana you can have different browser than Edge display the results. Just change your default web browser. Click the browser you want to адрес страницы, and from then on, Cortana will use that browser to display results of searches.
And it will also be your default browser for using Windows in general. Even when you do that, though, Cortana will still use Bing to perform the search.
If cottana want to change window 10 pro 64 bit Bing to an alternate search engine and use Chrome as your default web browser, first follow cortana on windows 10 above steps to tell Windows to user Chrome as your default browser. Then launch Chrome and install the Chrometana Pro extension. Ignore the instructions about having to download and use a program called Edge Deflector — you only need to do that if you have a Windows 10 version previous windwos the May Update.
Click the Chrometana Pro extension on the upper-right of the screen in Chrome, then choose your new default search engine for Cortana. From now on, your web searches launched from Cortana will use whatever search engine you choose and will display the results in Cortan. To use it, wijdows make Firefox your default нажмите сюда browser, then install Foxtana Pro in Firefox, and use the same instructions outlined for Chrometana Pro for Chrome.
This article was originally published winows March and most recently updated in September Here are the latest Insider stories. More Insider Sign Out. Sign In Register. Sign Out Sign In Register. Latest Insider. Check out the latest Insider stories here. More from the Foundry Network. Windows 10 version 21H1: Key enterprise features. Windows 11 in-depth review: Windows 10 gets a nip and tuck. How to protect your privacy in Windows Windows 10 and 11 tips Windows 10 cheat sheet Windows 11 cheat sheet 16 ways to speed up Windows 10 How to handle Windows 10 and 11 updates How to protect your privacy in Windows How to protect Windows 10 and 11 PCs Prime video for windows basics Before we head into the tips, we should cover a bit of background.
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Cortana on windows 10 -
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